Thursday 26 April 2012

Dolly and Cici

and here we have Dolly and Cici the two cats who sleep together...

Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 40cm

Painted, wrapped up and handed over today ready to be given as a birthday present and go on a journey to Italy... 

(and here's the original photograph)

1 comment:

  1. and a message received from the recipient today:

    'I wanted to let you know how much my mum loved the portrait of Dolly and Cici. She has asked me several time to thank you! She went very quiet and had tears in her eyes when she opened the package, bless her. Anyway, just wanted to add my thanks to hers, it's so great to have our babies immortalised, and to give my mum something special.'

    It's always nice to find out :)
